Floriography was often used during the Victorian era during a courtship to express emotions secretly. Courting couples were rarely allowed to be alone together, so a secret language was devised to allow heartfelt emotions to be expressed without censure.
Unicorn8 began as a short story about a weaver who used her craft to shield her from her anxieties and preserve her sanity. The tactile nature of weaving helped keep her mind off her worsening mental health. I enjoyed researching the process of weaving and began researching types of dyes and how they are made.
In my upcoming novel, Helen has lived such a sheltered life that she hardly knows what to do with people. To make sense of the world, she uses what she knows of flowers as a tool to understand what underlying emotions might be occurring in someone else’s head. She assigns scents to various feelings and emotions and when she believes another person is feeling one of those emotions she detects the scent of a particular flower on their person. It’s a way she has of imposing order in an otherwise chaotic and often confusing existence.