Book Covers I Created

Ambril’s Tale Illustrations I Created
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Ambril’s Tale: Return of the Dullaith
A three headed dog, a vicious flower, a fairy and a walking house. They swirl around the top of Ambril’s…
Riding the Cursed Shoots
In the Second Book of Ambril’s Tale, Ambril discovers the means of getting around the universe only to discover that…
The Origins of Unicorn8
Unicorn8 began as a short story about a weaver who used her craft to shield her from her anxieties and…
Floriography: The Language of Flowers
Floriography was often used during the Victorian era during a courtship to express emotions secretly. Courting couples were rarely allowed…
Scents and the Language of Flowers
In my upcoming novel, Helen has lived such a sheltered life that she hardly knows what to do with people….
First Tapestry: Beginning the Hunt
“The Hunt of the Unicorn” is a series of tapestries dating back to the late Middle Ages or early Renaissance…